Acupuncture is the oldest, continuously practiced complete system of medicine in the world. We specialize in creating treatments that are personalized to your health conditions. Acupuncture treats the root cause of your disease, not just the branch symptoms. The only side effect is lasting results.
Licensed to practice Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine in New Jersey and New York. Acupuncturists diagnose and treat disease based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncturists are direct access healthcare providers. Acupuncture is not a substitute for proper medical care.
New patients should allow 60-90 minutes for the first appointment
A complete medical history, physical examination, Oriental Medicine evaluation and personalized treatment will be conducted.
Wear shorts, or loose-fitting clothing, that allow access to the limbs and torso.
Be sure to have a snack 1-2 hours prior to your appointment.
Some health insurance covers acupuncture. You can find out more about your policy benefits by calling the number on your insurance card. We can provide a Superbill containing the information necessary to submit a claim.
Initial Classical Acupuncture visit $120
Classical Acupuncture Follow-up visit $80
Click the link to schedule your appointment