Microneedling - Collagen Induction Therapy &
Cosmetic Acupuncture
In the treatment of Acne, Scarring, Pigmentation disorders and Facial Rejuvenation
Microneedling, or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is a minimally invasive treatment that works on many skin conditions, including acne scars and wrinkles. This treatment is an alternative to other invasive treatments to heal the skin naturally, without the use of toxins or surgery. Unlike laser therapy that can burn the skin, microneedling gently establishes controlled micro traumas to the area being treated, enabling a higher production of collagen and elastin, which is vital for skin health. While these micro traumas open the pores for better breathability, they also generate microchannels which allow for 200% greater product absorption.
The procedure begins by first cleansing the skin. Then a topical anesthetic numbing cream will be applied to the area being treated for 20 minutes to ensure the patient is comfortable for the entire treatment. Then microneedling begins. During the procedure, a pharmaceutical grade hyaluronic acid infused with hydrophilic herbal topicals will be applied to the skin. Microneedling allows topical serums to penetrate deeply and are absorbed at approximately 200x their normal rate.
After microneedling, the skin may be sensitive and red, but should not last for more than a few days. Immediate results of the treatment are a noticeable glow and tightening of the skin. Final results of this treatment are not fully seen immediately. The process of the skin cycle is 28 days to regenerate skin cells. During that time, your skin will see a beautiful, rejuvenated effect. Follow aftercare instructions and apply serum for best results post treatment.